About the Author

Hi. I’m John Lynch - the author of ‘Jambot’s Guide to Technology’. I live in the west of Ireland with my wife Sharon and three boys Jonah, Adam and Max. I’ve worked in technology industries since the mid 1990’s and I currently work as a software architect with Signify Health in Galway. From an early age I have had an inquisitive mind and was, what I’d call, a very practical problem solver. As a kid, I used to open (almost) everything I owned to understand how it worked. I wasn’t happy until I’d figured it out! I think I was destined to be an engineer.

In my career, I have worked in many different industries (automotive, computer peripherals, power electronics, telecommunications, e-commerce and healthcare) across multiple projects and teams in several multinational companies.

I spend my spare time engaging in hobbies and interests such as mountain biking, fitness training, photography, astronomy, watch collecting, reading, writing and listening to music and pod casts.

I have a real passion for learning and once I’ve learning something, I try to figure out ways to explain it. I suppose that’s why I wrote ‘Jambot’s Guide to technology’! I’ve spent the last thirty years learning about technology. Now it’s times to explain it simply and clearly to all that are interested.

You can check out my professional linkedin profile here.

Below - I recently had the honor of presenting a copy of my book to the US Ambassador to Ireland, Claire D. Cronin, when she recently visited the office of Signify Health Ireland in Galway.

About Jambottech

Jambottech’s goal is simple - explain technology in a way that children (and grown-ups!) can easily understand it. And make that learning fun!

Jambottech takes a big picture or ‘application first’ approach to learning. In the book ‘Jambot’s Guide to Technology’, Jambot a smart, fun AI robot is used to explain all the core technologies needed to design, power and maintain a clever AI robot. By understanding how Jambot works, it clearly explains how these core technologies work together.

A second book, entitled ‘Jambot's Great Adventures’, is in the early stages of writing. This book will be targeted at children aged 6 and above. It’s aim will be to provide the perfect introduction to technology for young children.

Together with the Jambot books, Jambottech issues weekly blog posts on technology topics for children.

The world needs great problem solvers. Technology can be a useful tool to help solve problems. Providing easy to consume content and increasing technology awareness for our children is a great first step in creating the problem solvers of tomorrow.